
First Time Buyers- What you NEED to know w/ Gordon Oliver

Hello,If you're reading this, I assume you're planning on making a first purchase OR you may be considering how to move up to your next home. If so, what would be a roadblock keeping you from obtaining that goal? I had my financing Team Lead, Brent Willis, put together these financial presentations to demonstrate how we can help you create more affordability and purchasing power........................First Time Home Buyer?Given that we may not have had the opportunity to meet yet, I thought I'd lay out a few options to give you some background of ideas and strategies our clients have used successfully in this complex market.Because this might be top on your list of questions, let me address it first... Yes, there are NO MONEY DOWNPAYMENT options for you and we can discuss them and what will be best for your situation. However, with this presentation, I want to cover many other aspects of buying a home that you need to know and understand.1. Understanding The Numbers* Here is an introductory presentation to show you what I use to illustrate those details when we meet. We will revise this to reflect your particular situation, of course.* Video - Helping Create Affordable Housing* Here is a presentation detailing how we can create affordable housing payments for your new purchase.* Video - Rate Buy Down Guide - Not sure if its time to buy or not? Check out the Rent vs. Buy and The Cost of Waiting Analysis on this pageFor Mortgage Calculators and Other Resources, please go to my website - For the best Mortgage Advice, on a number of topics, the link below provides articles that answers many of your questions - Brent is local Host of national TV Show, Financing the American Dream. For the most recent Episodes of his Emmy nominated Show, click below -- Willis, CMPSNEO Home Loans

Listing Presentation – Agents

Digital Listing Presentation for Listing AgentsDear [Agent's Name],As real estate professionals, navigating today’s market requires knowledge and a well-coordinated team approach. I'm reaching out to introduce an exciting opportunity for collaboration through our Digital Listing Presentation, designed to enhance our joint efforts in securing successful home sales.Local Market Expertise: My deep understanding of the local real estate landscape enables us to position properties competitively, ensuring optimal listing prices and understanding current trends. This strategic insight is backed by a Comprehensive Market Analysis, which you can review in detail.Skilled Negotiation & Problem-Solving: With extensive negotiation experience, I ensure that we maximize seller proceeds while effectively managing buyer expectations. This includes foreseeing potential issues and addressing them proactively through tailored staging tips, innovative marketing strategies, and comprehensive contingency plans to keep transactions smooth.Realtor-Lender Collaboration: Our partnership extends to a preferred mortgage lending team, facilitating real-time solutions to financial hurdles. This close cooperation between Realtor and lender is vital, ensuring fluid transaction progress and enhanced buyer engagement through creative financing solutions.Technology-Driven Tools: We utilize the latest in communication technology, including video presentations, to demystify complex financial topics for buyers, enhance their understanding, and maintain transparency with sellers about the status of their sales.Comprehensive Financing Strategies: Our team is adept at navigating current market challenges, including addressing affordability concerns through innovative loan options and managing lowball offers with effective counterstrategies. Additionally, we tackle commission gaps and appraisal discrepancies with bespoke financial solutions, ensuring smooth and equitable transactions.Commission Gap: In today's real estate market, the question of who pays the commission and how much can often complicate transactions. Our team has developed a Commission Gap strategy that effectively addresses these concerns. By structuring the financing creatively, we ensure that the buyer’s agent's commission is adequately covered without imposing undue financial burdens on you, the seller. This approach helps maintain the attractiveness of your property in competitive markets, facilitating smoother negotiations and ensuring that all parties remain incentivized.Appraisal Gap: One of the more frequent challenges in real estate sales occurs when a property’s appraised value exceeds the agreed-upon sale price. Our Appraisal Gap strategy involves setting aside a pre-negotiated amount to bridge this gap, thus safeguarding the deal and maintaining the agreed terms. This strategic cushion allows both buyer and seller to proceed confidently, knowing that the sale price reflects actual market value without causing financing to fall through.Affordability with Rate Buy-Downs: High-interest rates can make the home buying less accessible. To counter this, we offer rate buy-down options where, through a one-time payment at closing, the interest rate on the mortgage can be permanently reduced. This reduction lowers monthly mortgage payments, making homes more affordable over the long term. This strategy not only helps expand the pool of potential buyers but also enhances the overall attractiveness of your property.Navigating Lowball Offers: Facing lowball offers can be disheartening, but our approach ensures they don’t derail the selling process. We employ proven negotiation strategies that respect your financial baseline while engaging with the buyer to find a compromise that reflects true market value. By balancing firmness with flexibility, we strive to turn every offer into a potential sale, ensuring that both parties find a satisfactory middle ground.Our Commitment to You:Each of these tailored strategies is part of our commitment to overcoming the specific challenges of today's market, ensuring you feel supported and confident throughout the selling process. Our goal is to make your home selling experience as profitable and stress-free as possible, from listing to closing.Why Partner with Us? By collaborating with us, you’re getting a Realtor and a team dedicated to a proactive, comprehensive approach to real estate. We can overcome market challenges, enhance buyer and seller satisfaction, and achieve tremendous transaction success.I look forward to working together to transform potential challenges into opportunities and set the stage for successful property sales.Brent Willis

Copy – Modern Home Seller Guide: Solving Today’s Market Challenges with Modern Solutions

Dear [Seller's Name],Selling your home is a significant decision, and it's crucial to have the right team by your side to navigate the complexities of today's real estate market. That's why I'm excited to introduce you to our comprehensive Home Seller Guide, designed to showcase how our real estate team, and preferred mortgage lending team, working seamlessly together, can overcome any market challenges and guide you through every step of the selling process for a successful sale. From Your Real Estate Advisor, ________Local Market Expertise: I know the local market inside and out, so I can help you understand where your home stands in terms of price, demand, and recent trends, ensuring we list it at a competitive yet profitable price. My Comprehensive Market Analysis for your home is located on this page .Skilled Negotiation: My experience in negotiation means I'll work tirelessly to get you the best deal, ensuring that we maximize your proceeds from the sale while managing buyer demands effectively.Proactive Problem-Solving: I stay ahead of potential issues by providing you with tailored advice, whether it's staging tips or targeted marketing strategies, to keep your sale on track without surprises or delays. Part of problem solving is having contingency plans if market challenges arise and many of them have to do with financing and not necessarily the marketing and sale of the home. Buyers have specific challenges in this current marketplace and, as your Real Estate Advisor, I must be able to recognize, and help solve, the Buyer's problems which creates a greater likelihood of a successful sale.Contingency Plan Focused: Every real estate transaction is different and can demand different skills to be used each time Not matter how comprehensive the approach, there are some things that no one can foresee. In that event, as an Advisor, we pride ourselves on the ability to adjust to challenges that arise. We have contingency plans in every area of real estate to ensure we achieve your goals. These plans, quite frankly, are a main reason we excel when others may struggle. Why Our Realtor - Lender Team is Key to Your Success1. Expert Collaboration: The relationship between Realtor and lender is essential for a successful sale. By working in tandem, we can address challenges in real-time, ensuring that the process stays on track. This teamwork allows us to resolve any issues quickly, giving you confidence that your sale is in capable hands.2. Tailored Financing Solutions: Every buyer is different, and so are their financing needs. In the current market, Buyers face challenges when purchasing, mainly higher rates which create unaffordable payments. Our lending team offers a range of creative financing solutions which solve these problems. This financial knowledge, know how and the ability to communicate the strategy, allows us to attract a wider pool of buyers, increasing the chances of a successful sale.3. Technology-Driven Communication: Clear and consistent communication is the foundation of our approach. Using technology and video presentations, we can explain complex financial topics in a way that's easy to understand. This not only helps buyers grasp their options, but it also keeps you in the loop, so you always know what's happening with your sale.4. Problem-Solving Focus: The current market presents unique challenges, but our collaborative approach allows us to anticipate, and solve, problems before they become obstacles. Whether it's navigating a buyer's financing hurdles or addressing appraisal issues or showing a buyer how we can accommodate the buyer's compensation, our team works together to find solutions that keep your sale on track.Our Financing Strategies Solve the Current Market ChallengesPlease watch the financing presentations on this page to gain a clearer understanding of how our lending team will help you through these potential challenges⚡️ AFFORDABILITY SOLUTIONS ⚡️Home affordability is the #1 issue facing buyers today. My team and I are equipped to devise financing solutions that cater to a diverse range of potential homebuyers. By securing favorable rates or introducing unique loan products, our goal remains steadfast: making the dream of homeownership feasible for more individuals who want to purchase a home.⚡️ NEGOTIATING LOWBALL OFFERS ⚡️Encountering a lowball offer doesn't have to be a setback. We have a tried-and-true strategy to counter such offers, striking a balance that meets the buyer's proposal without compromising your financial considerations. This approach ensures that both parties reach an equitable and satisfactory agreement.⚡️ COMMISSION GAP ⚡️The commission, who pays it and how much can be paid, is the source of great confusion on the market today. As a seller, if you don't want to offer a Buyer Agent Commission, there are challenges to that stance. As a seller, if you don't want to pay any commission, or you want to offer a low commission, we have a financial strategy that demonstrates to the buyer and the buyer's agent how to structure the contract so the Buyer's Agent compensation is achieved, per their agreement. Our Commission Gap initiative ensures a seamless transactional experience. We meticulously structure the financing to cover all associated costs, eliminating the possibility of any unforeseen financial hitches that could cause a roadblock to the transaction.⚡️ APPRAISAL GAP SOLUTION ⚡️We have a remedy when a property's appraised value doesn't measure up to the anticipated list price. Our Appraisal Gap strategy is tailored to bridge this disparity, ensuring that you can secure the most competitive offer for the property. I've incorporated a video detailing our approach to this challenge for a more comprehensive understanding.A Winning Partnership for YouChoosing a real estate advisor who partners with a dedicated lending team means you're getting a proactive, comprehensive, approach to selling your home. By combining our expertise, we can tackle the complexities of the real estate market with confidence, ensuring the best contract on your home and a smoother and more successful experience for you.We look forward to helping you achieve your real estate goals and making the selling process as seamless as possible. No matter if its the selling of this home, or helping you with the purchase of your new home, we have you covered with our comprehensive, contingency-driven, approach. Together, we can turn challenges into opportunities and set the stage for a successful sale.Best regards,Real Estate Advisor or Team Name Here and Brent Willis

First Time Home Buyer in 2024 — What you NEED to understand when Buying a Home

Hello,If you're reading this, I assume you're planning on making a first purchase OR you may be considering how to move up to your next home. If so, what would be a roadblock keeping you from obtaining that goal?.......................First Time Home Buyer?Given that we may not have had the opportunity to meet yet, I thought I'd lay out a few options to give you some background of ideas and strategies our clients have used successfully in this complex market.Because this might be top on your list of questions, let me address it first... Yes, there are NO MONEY, AND LOW, DOWNPAYMENT ( 3-3.5% of sales price) options for you and we can discuss them and what will be best for your situation. However, with this presentation, I want to cover many other aspects of buying a home that you need to know and understand. In the current market, rates are still a little higher and it helps to know you're dealing with a financing team that knows how to get you a lower rate and [payment which also helps increase purchasing power!1. Understanding The Numbers* Here is an introductory presentation to show you what I use to illustrate those details when we meet. We will revise this to reflect your particular situation, of course.* Video - Helping Create Affordable Housing* On the right side of the page is a presentation detailing how we can create affordable housing payments for your new purchase.3. Not Sure If You Should Wait To Purchase?* One the right side of the page is a presentation that lists five reasons why I think it's an excellent time to purchase now vs. waiting.4. For Mortgage Calculators and Other Resources, please go to my website - For First Time Home Buyer ( and other Articles) that answers many of your other questions -* Use the Search Feature to search for relevant topics~ Brent is Host of national TV Show, Financing the American Dream. For the most recent Episodes of his Emmy nominated TV Show, click below -- Willis, CMPSNEO Home Loans

The Modern Home Buyers Guide with Brent Willis

Dear Potential Homebuyer,The world of real estate and home financing is ever-evolving, often presenting complexities that can be overwhelming. With the recent shift towards commission disclosure transparency, we recognize the importance of keeping you well-informed and equipped. This transition aims to enlighten homebuyers on the intricacies of home-buying finance structures, ensuring openness and knowledge at every step.Our team has galvanized its collective expertise to aid you through these shifts. We are delighted to introduce FOUR strategic approaches, meticulously crafted to optimize your home buying journey, making it as straightforward, transparent, and advantageous as possible.⚡️ DIGITAL OFFER ⚡️The future of home buying is digital. Beyond mere convenience, this transformation promises a custom-tailored, transparent experience. Shed the traditional constraints of prolonged wait times and cumbersome paperwork. Our innovative digital offers allow you to access instantaneous approval letters, bespoke video messages, and precise financial breakdowns. And, with authentic property visuals incorporated, every detail you require is readily accessible.Example ➡️⚡️ APPRAISAL GAP ⚡️Discrepancies between appraisals and sale prices can be a cause for concern. Fear not; our appraisal gap strategy is meticulously designed to maintain consistent rates and payments, eliminating unforeseen financial hitches. We're resolute in keeping your home-buying trajectory predictable and stress-free.Example ➡️⚡️ COMMISSION GAP ⚡️We've got you covered in instances where specific commissions might be overlooked. Our Commission Gap approach ensures transactional fluidity. We're adept at structuring your financing to encompass all costs, providing a hiccup-free journey.Example ➡️⚡️ AFFORDABILITY SOLUTIONS ⚡️Affordability remains at the heart of homeownership. Our commitment is to devise financing strategies that expand your horizons. Whether obtaining an attractive rate or leveraging a specialized loan product, our focus remains steadfast: to render home buying accessible and affordable.Example ➡️ with a lender has long term financial implications. Take a quick minute to view these assets as we want to educate you on critical differences that can add up, over time, to tens of thousands of dollars to you!.For More on the NEO Experience, click the PDF on this page OR click here for a more in-depth look at what separates us from any lender in the country - Video Testimonials on Brent and his team from Real Estate Professionals and Clients alike, click here -- the real estate panorama evolves, it's crucial to have seasoned experts by your side. In partnership, we pledge to deliver unmatched guidance and value, ensuring your home-buying journey is seamless, transparent, and fulfilling.Warm regards,Brent Willis, CMPSNEO Home LoansBranch Manager

The Digital CMA: Direct, Clear And Simplified

This is an example of the type of content we can produce to help you Create Additional Listings which are going to become more and more important as the Commission Lawsuits make their way into the Consumer conscience.1. The video above is a place keeper until we replace it with your video, custom, message2. We'll list your Contact Information, replacing what you see on the page3. We can add or delete any pieces of content so its just want you want to convey to any potential seller.Hello (potential seller's name here),I wanted to give you some vital information to look over before our upcoming appointment. We aim to ensure that we are fully equipped for our forthcoming meeting.When determining the value of your home, we rely on a comparative market analysis (CMA), which analyzes recently sold properties similar to yours. This allows us to establish a competitive listing price or make informed offers when you're looking to purchase another property. Our expertise goes beyond that of a traditional realtor. I also collaborate with my lending partner so that he can provide financial solutions, ensuring we can address potential problems that might arise during an escrow.⚡️ Selling in the Digital Age:Welcome to the future of home selling. The "Modern Home Seller's Guide" offers a comprehensive look into the digital tools transforming the real estate landscape. Equip yourself with the knowledge to position your home for maximum visibility and value in today's market.Our problem-solving strategies have saved many sellers thousands of dollars, making us the ideal choice for listing your home. We possess the skills and dedication required to navigate challenges and secure the best possible outcome for you.( see the video below ) ⬇️ are a few specific challenges we can tackle effectively:⚡️Appraisal Gap Solution:If the value comes in low, we have an appraisal gap solution to deploy if your home's appraised value falls short of your desired listing price. This solution bridges the gap between the appraised value and your target price, helping us secure the best possible offer for your home. For more details, I've included a video explaining our appraisal gap solutions ( see the video here or to the right ) ⬇️⚡️Negotiating Low-Ball Offers:If we receive a low-ball offer from a potential buyer, we have a proven strategy to counter that offer and arrange a payment that aligns with their request while minimizing costs. This enables us to achieve a fair price that matches the buyer's initial offer while protecting your financial interests. ( see the video here or to the right ) ⬇️⚡️Marketing The Rate Buy Down:If your listing is priced correctly and is not moving as it should be, here is our plan to help market the property with a rate buy down, which creates affordability for buyers and helps regain their buying. This is important because we can do this and have a 300% increase in buyers' qualifications vs. standard price drops like most listing agents will do to your home.( see our sample listing here.) ⬇️⚡️Unique Mass Marketing Strategy:Potential for your home to be featured on our national TV Show, Financing the American Dream. This Emmy Nominated, nationally syndicated, TV show features the best in local lifestyle, community and culture and we may chose your home to be featured. This unique strategy helps increase market awareness, buyer activity and negotiating power.( see our sample to the right ) ⬇️...................................................We are excited to discuss these solutions in more detail during our appointment. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further information.Thank you,[ Listing Agent ] & Scott Nicholson

2024 New Loan Limits – Video Examples On How They Could Impact You!

FHFA Announces Conforming Loan Limit Values for 2024 The baseline Conforming Loan Limit Will Increase to $766,550 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ​​​​​​Washington, D.C. – The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) today announced the conforming loan limit values (CLLs) for mortgages to be acquired by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the Enterprises) in 2024. In most of the United States, the 2024 CLL value for one-unit properties will be $766,550, an increase of $40,350 from 2023.​ National Baseline The Housing and Economic Recovery Act (HERA) requires that the baseline CLL for the Enterprises be adjusted each year to reflect the average U.S. home price change. Earlier today, FHFA published its third quarter 2024 FHFA House Price Index® (FHFA HPI®) report, which includes statistics for the average U.S. home value increase over the last four quarters. According to the nominal, seasonally adjusted, expanded-data FHFA HPI, house prices increased 12.21 percent, on average, between the third quarters of 2022 and 2023. Therefore, the baseline CLL in 2024 will increase by the same percentage.​ High-Cost Areas For areas where 115 percent of the local median home value exceeds the baseline conforming loan limit, the applicable loan limit will be higher than the baseline loan limit. HERA establishes the high-cost area limit in those areas as a multiple of the area median home value while setting the ceiling at 150 percent of the baseline limit. Median home values generally increased in high-cost areas in 2023, which increased their CLL. The new ceiling loan limit for one-unit properties will be $1,149,825. Special statutory provisions establish different loan limits for Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. In these areas, the baseline loan limit will be $1,149,825 for one-unit properties. Why And How Much They Increase Each Year The Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (HERA) requires that the baseline conforming loan limit (CLL) value be adjusted each year to reflect the national average home price changes. HERA specifies that the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) “establish and maintain” an index for tracking average home prices. In May 2015, FHFA published a Notice and Request for Input announcing its plans to use the nominal, seasonally adjusted, expanded-data FHFA House Price Index (HPI) for this purpose.1 Having received generally favorable feedback to the announcement, in October 2015, FHFA published a Final Notice declaring that it would follow the original plan.

Unlocking Homeownership: The New 5% Down Payment from Fannie Mae on Multi-Family

Hello, future homeowners and savvy investors!I'm excited to share the fantastic news that could transform your thoughts on homeownership and real estate investing. Starting after November 18, 2023, Fannie Mae is introducing a groundbreaking change: they will now accept a mere 5% down payment for 2-, 3-, and 4-unit homes you plan to live in!⚡️Why is this a Big Deal?Acquiring a multifamily home required a substantial 15-25% down payment for years. However, with Fannie Mae's new guidelines ( see below), purchasing such properties just became more accessible than ever before. Consider this: previously, buying a $500,000 triplex meant putting down $125,000. Now? Just $25,000! That's a significant $100,000 difference!⚡️Why Consider a Multifamily Home?Buying a multifamily property isn't just about having multiple units. It's a strategic move. You can live in one unit and rent out the others, generating rental income. This can offset your mortgage payments and even provide a passive income stream. Plus, it's an excellent opportunity for budding landlords to gain experience.⚡️What About First-Time Buyers?Good news! Even if you're a first-time buyer, in most scenarios, you can use projected rental income from your property to help qualify for the loan, as long as you're currently paying rent somewhere. This can significantly aid in affording the mortgage rates in today's market.⚡️Why is Fannie Mae Making this Move?Fannie Mae recognizes many challenges in today's housing market, especially with rising rents and mortgage rates. Adjusting their guidelines aims to support credit access and promote affordable rental housing. This change means you could transition from renting a room to owning a multifamily property, all while fostering affordable rental opportunities in your community.⚡️ How Much Can I Borrow?While the change is limited to standard conforming loan amounts (excluding high-balance loans in pricier areas), plenty of leeway remains. Here's a breakdown for 2023: 2-unit: $929,850 3-unit: $1,123,900 4-unit: $1,396,800⚡️When Can You Jump In?If this opportunity resonates with you, start immediately gathering your income, assets, and employment documents. While you can begin your application process now, some updates are still pending in Fannie Mae's systems. This includes details about asset reserve levels and rates from private mortgage insurance companies for these new loans. But don't let that deter you—be proactive and get a head start!⚡️In ConclusionThis is a transformative moment for prospective homeowners and budding landlords. With just a 5% down payment, you could be on your way to owning a multifamily property and reaping the benefits of homeownership and real estate investment. Reach out to us, and let's explore how this change can pave the way for your future in real estate!Brent Willis, CMPSBranch Manager NEO Home Loans

The NEO Experience. It’s what separates us from ALL other Bank and Mortgage Companies Nationally. Check it out!

The NEO Experience is the most powerful client attractant, client engagement and client retention platform on the market today! We call it the NEO Experience b/c our client experience is vastly different from other banks and mortgage companies in the country. The typical mortgage experience: Get Pre-qualified, hope to get into a contract, close the loan and leave client to figure out how to manage their debt and answer their questions for themselves. The NEO Experience: Comprehensive approach to educating clients Before, During and, most importantly, long After the closing. This platform includes 7 uniquely valuable services and a one-of-a-kind mobile app that supports client efforts to understand all things real estate and personal finance. It's the platform we developed which allows us to execute on OUR GOAL, our client commitment, mention above. For more info, see the slide deck on the page to the right OR you can go here as well...

How To Counter Low Ball Offers

As a seller or listing agent in today's market, you must prepare for low offers. I think you first need to understand why a buyer would submit a lower offer. The main reason is affordability, which is at all-time lows due to a rate spike. So, don't take it personally when a lower offer comes your way; understand why and use this strategy to help this potential buyer afford your home without giving away the farm. The KEY IS PAYMENT, and a buyer's goal is to achieve the lowest payment to obtain the loan the lender has qualified for them. They love the home but they need to keep to a certain payment, they feel. Well, we, working together, can counter them back up to list price, using financing NOT price, while providing the m they payment they need AND saving your seller's net sheet AND saving the comps in the neighborhood. A BIG win-win-win! The video I've put together show the Seller Buy Down strategy I use to help the agents and sellers I work with achieve the payment the buyer needs but at two-thirds the cost of a lower ball offer.

Listing Agent Playbook: Solving Today’s Market Challenges with Modern Solutions

Dear Listing Agents,Navigating the intricate real estate and home financing world can be daunting as the landscape undergoes transformative changes, particularly with affordability, values, commission conversations, and increasing lowball offers. I've assembled this playbook to illuminate solutions to our market's most pressing challenges.Consider this an educational tool and a resource you can share with your sellers. It's designed to answer some of the pivotal questions they may have about the nuances of selling and purchasing real estate under your expert guidance.⚡️ AFFORDABILITY SOLUTIONS ⚡️Home affordability is a cornerstone in our industry. My team and I are equipped to devise financing solutions that cater to a diverse range of potential homebuyers. By securing favorable rates or introducing unique loan products, our goal remains steadfast: making the dream of homeownership feasible for more individuals.Example video on the sidebar: ➡️.......................................................................⚡️ APPRAISAL GAP SOLUTION ⚡️We have a remedy when a property's appraised value doesn't measure up to the anticipated list price. Our appraisal gap strategy is tailored to bridge this disparity, ensuring that you, as the listing agent, can secure the most competitive offer for the property. I've incorporated a video detailing our approach to this challenge for a more comprehensive understanding.Example video on the sidebar: ➡️.......................................................................⚡️ COMMISSION GAP ⚡️There are times when specific commissions might fall short. Fear not, as our Commission Gap initiative ensures a seamless transactional experience. We meticulously structure the financing to cover all associated costs, eliminating the possibility of any unforeseen financial hitches.Example video on the sidebar: ➡️.......................................................................⚡️ NEGOTIATING LOWBALL OFFERS ⚡️Encountering a lowball offer doesn't have to be a setback. We have a tried-and-true strategy to counter such offers, striking a balance that meets the buyer's proposal without compromising your financial considerations. This approach ensures that both parties reach an equitable and satisfactory agreement.Example video on the sidebar: ➡️..........................................................................⚡️ NATIONAL TV SHOW - GROW BRANDING AND INFLUENCE W/ MY SHOW ⚡️I am the local host of Financing the American Dream and am looking for unique people, businesses and properties to highlight on my episodes. The show is Emmy Nominated, Award Winning and Nationally Syndicated. It showcases the best in local community, culture and lifestyle and I'm looking for local people, events and places to feature. If interested, let's connect! To give you an idea, one of my latest episodes is to the right.......................................................................I aim to be a collaborative partner and can assist your business in many, very unique, ways to help you attract new buyers, secure additional listings and create a deeper database engagement for long-term client loyalty.Our challenges in this dynamic market are surmountable with the right tools, technologies and strategies. I hope this playbook serves as a testament to my commitment to excellence and unwavering support for you and your clients. Let's work together to turn challenges into opportunities and achieve unparalleled success in our ventures.

The Commission Conversation; Adding Value To Buyers!

Dear Buyer Agent,With the commission disclosure transition happening in real estate markets across the country, the foundation of this effort is to educate sellers and buyers on how, and how much, commission is paid to both the listing agent and buyers agent. This shift aims to enhance transparency and disclosure, leading to buyer agents having direct and detailed conversations with potential buyers on how they are paid._________________________ ~ THIS IS AN EXAMPLE PRESENTATION TO SHOW YOU WHAT I, AND MY TEAM, CAN DO TO HELP YOU DRIVE ADDITIONAL VALUE SO THE COMMISSION CONVERSATION IS HAD MORE EFFROTLESSLY. IF YOU LIKE WHAT WE'VE PREPARED HERE, WE CAN CUSTOMIZE, WITH TEXT AND VIDEO, A MORE PUBLIC FACING PRESENTATION FOR YOU TO USE WITH ANY POTENTIAL BUYER._________________________ This presentation aims to help the buyer's agent create value using my financial background. I've created FIVE potential value adds to help present to your buyers as a listing agent would to their potential seller.As a lender, I can provide critical support during this transition with various tools and strategies, such as loan products, to cover commission costs and savings strategies. This change also allows agents to negotiate their commissions directly, aligning their motivation closely with the buyer's interests. The new model benefits all parties—buyers, agents, and sellers—and we are dedicated to facilitating this transition, fostering a more effective and transparent real estate process.Here are the FIVE value adds we could use to create a Home Buyers Presentation which would then be sent to Buyers to help them understand the critical value you, as their agent, bring to the process.........................................................................⚡️ DIGITAL OFFER ⚡️Embrace the digital revolution in home buying with digital offers. Unlike traditional methods, digital offers are efficient, personalized, and transparent, enhancing the value you offer as a buyer's agent. Forget about lost approval letters, impersonal interactions, and confusing financial breakdowns. Instead, deliver instantly accessible approval letters, personalized video messages, and visually appealing financial information directly via text. Add to this the compelling visual of actual property listing photos, and you've got an offer that stands out and is more convincing. Using digital offers demonstrates your commitment to providing the most seamless experience possible, making you a preferred choice for potential buyers.Example ➡️⚡️ APPRAISAL GAP ⚡️An appraisal gap strategy is a vital tool that buyer agents can use to ensure transaction success. In cases where appraised values fall short of sale prices, this approach acts as a safety net, keeping rates and payments steady and reducing the additional cash needed from buyers. Utilizing an appraisal gap strategy demonstrates your adeptness at handling market dynamics and securing successful transactions, enhancing your value as a reliable and proactive buyer's agent.Example ➡️⚡️ COMMISSION GAP ⚡️A Commission Gap strategy is a robust solution that buyer's agents can employ to ensure the success of a transaction, even when challenges arise. This strategy is a safeguard in scenarios where the seller doesn't pay, or the property's appraised value doesn't support a higher price for the buyer's agent commission.As a loan officer, I can assist buyers in restructuring their financing to cover the commission. This approach ensures buyer agents are compensated for their crucial services and keeps transactions moving smoothly by eliminating potential financial roadblocks. Utilizing a Commission Gap strategy exhibits your commitment to overcoming market challenges and upholds your value as a versatile and resourceful buyer's agent.Example ➡️⚡️AFFORDABILITY SOLUTIONS ⚡️It is a versatile strategy that buyers' agents can use to illustrate their value to potential homebuyers. As a lender, I specialize in structuring financing that opens up an array of affordability options for buyers. Whether adjusting loan terms, securing better rates, or utilizing specific loan products, these solutions are tailored to ease homebuying. This strategy is particularly effective when buyer's agents need to request direct payment for their commission. By showcasing affordability solutions, you, as a buyer's agent, demonstrate your commitment to the buyer's financial comfort and success, further strengthening your value proposition in their homebuying journey.Example ➡️⚡️ INTEREST RATE MARKET UPDATES ⚡️This critical service equips buyer agents with the tools to provide top-tier value to their clients. As a seasoned lender with a wealth of knowledge of financial and rate markets, I guide clients to secure the best possible rate based on timely market trends.Many homebuyers may shop around for the "best" rate, which could lead to locking too early or too late due to constantly changing market conditions. Please NOTE: Strategy beats rate every time. What I mean is this: having the lowest rate, with no forward looking strategy to proactively manage that rate, is always the most costly proposition. So, knowing the right information, at the right time, and being able to communicate that quickly the buyer so they benefit from an every changing marketplace, is how we can secure the best rate for the client, now and into the future.With my expertise, we can navigate these fluctuations strategically. Rather than securing a rate based on a random date or time, we'll use a data-driven approach to lock in the optimal rate at the ideal time. Having a lending partner with this level of guidance enhances your value proposition as a buyer's agent, helping clients see the deeper complexities of mortgage rates beyond mere shopping around.Example ➡️

Why Waiting for Interest Rates to Come Down is a Bad idea… Here is a Proven Strategy!

2 Reasons that answer the question: Should I wait for rates to come down before purchasing a home? 1. INFLATION MAY REMAIN ELEVATED. The Federal Reserve’s economic stimulus programs during the pandemic, plus massive government spending during that time created the highest inflation rate since the early 1980s. Annual consumer inflation hit a high of over 8% in 2022. Since then, inflation has declined considerably, with the latest numbers indicating a 4.1% annual inflation rate. Even so, the current annual inflation rate is double the Fed’s target of 2%. If the annual consumer inflation rate drops toward the Fed’s target of 2%, mortgage rates could drop as well. This may not happen in a meaningful way for another year or two. The good news is that inflation generally causes real estate values to increase. This means that homeownership is still one of the best ways to build wealth in this economy. 2. BOND SUPPLY WILL REMAIN ELEVATED. Approximately $7.6 trillion of US government debt is scheduled to mature in the next year according to recent reports. That’s an enormous amount of debt that will need to be refinanced at current market rates vs. the low rates of the past decade. This means interest expenses on government debt will increase, leading to more government debt to pay the much higher interest costs. Not only that, but the costs of mandatory government spending programs like Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare are increasing at staggering levels with no signs of slowing down. All this means that there will be a massive supply of bonds coming into the market throughout the next few years to pay for that spending. Investors will likely demand higher interest rates on those bonds. This means that interest rates in the broader bond market (including mortgage rates) will likely remain elevated for at least another year or two. The good news is that interest rates aren’t nearly as high as they were in the 1980s. Mortgage rates hit an all-time high of 18.63% in October 1981, according to Freddie Mac data. People still bought homes in those days, so don't get discouraged by today's interest rates! Did you know... the 50 Year average of Interest rates is around 7.75%? So, we're right there today on that average BUT your have options to mitigate higher rates. See the presentations and Data below for some great strategies. The presentations to the right, and below, will help explain HOW to Purchase real estate more affordably in this higher rate environment... TO CREATE LASTING WEALTH... IT'S ALL ABOUT STRATEGY.... NOT RATE! ____________________ Proven Financing Strategies to WIN in Real Estate -- ____________________ A Rate Buy Down Guide - It walks you through all the various Buy Downs so you can see which is right for you! ____________________ TOP 5 Reasons to Buy Today --- "Marry the House, Date the Rate" ____________________ Here are 2 compelling Mortgage Strategy Articles, with current market data, graphs and charts, to help you understand the real estate market, Why it's behaving the way it is and How we'll Guide you through it! ____________________ What's more important to you, a Rate or a Home? Seriously, what's more important? I can tell you... its the home as the rate can always be refinanced! In the low inventory environment, if you wait for rates to drop, more competition will flood the market and only drive prices up. Question: If you wait for a low rate BUT you have to pay another $50-150K for the home you want, due to the increased competition b/c everyone else was waiting on lower rates too, have you really won? NO! It all goes back to the age old, and true, economic philosophy of Supply and Demand. You want to move when demand is lowest, which is now, especially if you can structure a seller buy down to achieve a lower rate from the start. If rates drop in the near future, then you can refinance your loan while everyone else is overbidding on too few number of homes. TO CREATE LASTING WEALTH... IT'S ALL ABOUT STRATEGY.... NOT RATE! P.S. To See the latest episodes of my TV Show, Financing The American Dream, click the link below... If you know of a great local business we should profile OR a really cool event or cultural experience that needs highlighting, please reach out to me!

Leading the Charge: ‘Digital Offers’ Usher in a New Era for Buyers and Realtors

Hi Buyers & Realtors,Navigating the dynamic real estate landscape, I've refined our offer submission strategy to truly differentiate us. (See the video example to the right of the explanation of the structure of the offer)My approach now includes:⚡️ Tailored Video Message: A personal touch from me, amplifying the sincerity of our offer.⚡️ On-the-Spot Approval Letter: Demonstrating your client's immediate intent.⚡️ Detailed Financial Snapshot: A transparent, client-validated outline of the offer.The key difference?After my initial discussion or voicemail to the Listing Agent, I can dispatch the entire offer directly to the agent via text, ensuring it gets the attention it deserves. A custom thumbnail of the property further accentuates our dedication. Once the offer is made, we execute our part to ensure the offer stands out and all feel comfortable!Will your offers blend in or boldly stand out in a market where every detail counts? Let's transition from traditional PDFs to the impactful 'Digital Offers' approach!Let's collaborate and redefine how your buyers secure their dream homes.Ready to embrace the future?Best,Brent Willis, CMPSBranch ManagerNEO Home Loanshttp://www.willishomeloans.com

Spring 2023 Buyer Guide

Buying Guide with Market data and Direction. Check it out!

Santa Rosa Beach Real Estate Report Card

If you'd like this data for any county in the country, just let us know!

Embracing Innovation: How Digital Tools Transform Open Houses

Revolutionize Your Open Houses with Digital Solutions Dear Listing Agents, In an ever-evolving real estate market, adapting to new technologies is critical to delivering exceptional service to your clients. That's why I'd like to introduce you to our innovative approach to open houses – the Digital Open House. Our unique property site is designed to provide a comprehensive and educational experience for potential buyers and buyer agents, utilizing a suite of digital tools to present your listings in the best possible light. ⚡️ Highlights Of A Digital Open House ⚡️ We can use some or all of the following features below. ⬇️ ➡️ Financing Details: We provide a unique Total Cost Analysis (TCA) video for each property. This breaks down all costs, payments, and options associated with purchasing the home, offering a transparent and comprehensive understanding of the financial aspects. ➡️ Property Tours: We can integrate any property tour videos you've created and uploaded on YouTube. Showcasing the house inside and out, these videos are a valuable tool for immersing potential buyers in the property. ➡️ QR Codes: Our special property QR codes can be printed and placed around the house during open houses. Once scanned, we capture consumer data, allowing us to provide personalized information about the property and financing options. ➡️ Rate Buy-Down Video: Leveraging my expertise in rate buy-downs, I can create a separate TCA report showcasing different rate buy-down options that could be utilized to purchase the property. ➡️ Traditional Property Flyers with QR Codes: We provide traditional property flyers alongside digital offerings. When scanned, these codes direct users to the property site URL for detailed information about the home. ➡️ Matterport Video: We can integrate this into our site if you have recorded a 3D Matterport tour of the property. This provides an immersive visual experience for buyers and their agents, giving them a comprehensive view of the property. ➡️ Appointment Scheduling Widget: Our property site includes a widget for scheduling calls using Calendly. This allows potential buyers or their agents to set up a 15-minute call to ask questions or discuss the property and financing options further. ➡️ Pre-Approval Widget: We have a widget with my contact information and an application for those ready to proceed with a link to the loan application. This streamlines the pre-approval process and gets buyers one step closer to their dream home. Our Digital Open House can revolutionize how you conduct open houses, enhancing the experience for potential buyers and increasing the chances of a successful sale. I look forward to supporting your next open house with these innovative digital tools. Sample Property Site -

First Time Home Buyers and Student Loans: KNOW these FACTS!

The Financial Responsibility Act of 23 will Impact Homeownership As we all agreed, we're facing a potentially challenging situation come September. Many of our clients have not made student loan payments in three years due to the pause on payments. Combining this with no financial planning, rising inflation, high credit card debt, and the prospect of a payment that hasn't been seen in 36 months, we could be looking at a significant impact on those directly or indirectly involved in the housing market. To Calculate your new Student Loan Payment, click this link - To set a time with me to chat about options, click this calendar link - ______________________________ To the right, there are 3 presentations that walk you through the math around each solution for that scenario. The video presentation will walk you through it! ~ For our sellers, especially those who recently purchased at low-interest rates in the 2 or 3% range and have student loans, this situation might affect their ability to move on to their next home. ~ For our current approved buyers, this could impact their pre-qualification. Imagine adding $300 to $1,000 to their current debt-to-income ratio (DTI). ~ And let's not forget our new first-time buyers. They will also feel the impact on their qualification. We must act swiftly to help them avoid default and late payments when the pause lifts in September. ..................................................... High-Level View Of Options You Can Use - (These can be discussed with the LoanSense representative after you use the Student Loan Debt Restructure tool on this page). ⚡️Standard Repayment Plan Payments are a fixed amount that ensures your loans are paid off within 10 years (within 10 to 30 years for Consolidation Loans). This is not an income-driven plan. It is not a good option for those seeking Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF). ⚡️Graduated Repayment Plan The graduated repayment plan starts with lower payments that increase every two years. Payments are made for up to 10 years (between 10 and 30 years for consolidation loans) This is not an income-driven plan, which means you will not qualify for Public Service Loan Forgiveness or interest relief as you would on an income-driven repayment plan. Even more detail here. ⚡️Extended Repayment Plan Payments may be fixed or graduated and will ensure your loans are paid off within 25 years. If your extended plan is graduated, then payments will rise over time. You will pay back significantly more interest than on a 10-year plan. This is not an income-driven plan, which means you will not qualify for Public Service Loan Forgiveness or interest relief as you would an income-driven repayment plan. Even more detail here. ⚡️Revised Pay As You Earn Repayment Plan (REPAYE) This is an income-driven plan. Your monthly payments will be 10 percent of your discretionary income. Payments are recalculated annually based on your updated income and family size. Unlike PAYE, though, the monthly payment can exceed the 10-year standard plan payment. ⚡️Pay As You Earn Repayment Plan (PAYE) This is an income-driven plan. Your monthly payments will be 10 percent of discretionary income, but never more than you would have paid under the 10-year Standard Repayment Plan. Payments are recalculated annually and are based on your updated income and family size. ⚡️Income-Based Repayment Plan (IBR) This is an income-driven plan. Your monthly payments will be either 10 or 15 percent of discretionary income (depending on when you received your first loans), but never more than you would have paid under the 10-year Standard Repayment Plan. Payments are recalculated annually based on your updated income and family size. ⚡️Income-Contingent Repayment Plan (ICR) This is an income-driven plan. Your monthly payment will be the lesser of 20 percent of discretionary income or the amount you would pay on a repayment plan with a fixed payment over 12 years, adjusted according to your income. Payments are recalculated annually based on your updated income and family size. ⚡️Income-Sensitive Repayment Plan This is an income-driven plan. Your monthly payment is based on annual income, but your loan will be paid in full within 15 years. Deferment ............................. You are in deferment on your 6-month grace period. Interest accrues during this period. This means your balance will increase, and you’ll pay more over the life of your loan. Any period of deferment will not count toward loan forgiveness. We recommend you enter into an income-driven repayment plan to lower your payment. Forbearance You are in forbearance, and interest accrues during this period. This means your balance will increase, and you’ll pay more over the life of your loan. Any period of forbearance will not count toward loan forgiveness. We recommend you enter into an income-driven repayment plan to lower your payment. To Calculate your new Student Loan Payment, click this link - To set a time with me to chat about options, click this calendar link - Brent Willis, CMPS NEO Home Loans 615-300-2067

Low Mortgage Rate: A Silent Financial Strain on Many Families – Don’t hold on to a low mortgage rate while others debts increase!

Hello, Managing multiple debts is tough - a low-interest mortgage, high-interest credit card debt, a Home Equity Line of Credit whose rate has only gone up with the FED Rate Hikes and now, the reintroduction of the student loan payment. It's overwhelming and can create a significant financial burden. Example: Your 3.5% fixed-rate mortgage is an excellent deal; no doubt about it. However, your Credit Card and Equity Line debt of $150,000, at a blended rate of 13.1%, and student loans of $90,000 at 6.12%, are hefty obligations with high rates that can eat into your savings. Moreover, with the federal student loan repayment moratorium ending on Sept. 1, 2023, this financial burden is set to increase further. This change could affect your ability to refinance in the future, as the increased monthly payment might push your total debt to a level where refinancing is no longer an option. That's why now is the perfect time to consider our "Credit Consolidator Refi." This plan consolidates your high-interest debts into your mortgage, simplifying your finances into one manageable payment. It may also reduce your interest over time, helping you become debt-free faster. ( see the video above for details ) Let's ACT NOW to take control of your financial future before the student loan payments restart. I'd love to discuss how this refi can benefit you. ................................................ Calculating the blended rate, student loan payment, and potential savings. ➡️ Blender Rate A blended interest rate is the weighted average interest rate of two or more loans. It's calculated based on the amount of each loan and its respective interest rate. Here's how you would calculate the blended rate for the example I'm laying out here: First, determine the total interest being paid on each loan: Home Equity -$100,000 * 9% = $9,000 Credit Cards - $50,000 * 23% = $11,500 Then, add the total interest together and divide by the total loan amount: ($9,000 + $11,500) / ($100,000 + $50,000) = 0.137 or 13.7% So, the blended interest rate of your $100,000 HELOC at 9% and your $50,000 in credit card debt at 23% would be approximately 13.7%. This rate gives you an overall picture of the interest you're paying on your combined debt. ..................... ➡️ Student Loans Details: LOAN AMOUNT & RATE 90k @ 6.1% Before Student Loan Refi: STUDENT LOAN PAYMENT $1,000 / Month After Student Loan Refi: STUDENT LOAN PAYMENT $500/Month LOWER STUDENT LOAN PAYMENTS BY $500/Month Loan Calculator To Run The Numbers For Yourself ............................................. Your Next Steps: Step 1: Complete Your Loan Application - Step 2: Once we have your application, then we will issue a detailed needs list to gather and return your documents Step 3: With the loan app, and paperwork, we will push the file into UW and move forward.

Move Up Buyers Confidently Purchase the Next Home w/ this Strategy

Hello - Are you a move up Buyer who is hesitant to buy a new home because you have a lower interest rate on the current home and you don't want to trade it for a higher rate and payment? Are you a buyer who would like to move to a better home for your family, but you feel stuck b/c the new payment is not in the budget because, when combined with the existing debts you may be carrying, put that home out of reach? We can help! What if I told you we could help you buy the new home you want and not pay a significant amount more per month, if any more at all? Well, we'd love to help you analyze your situation and let the numbers speak for themselves. THERE ARE 2 PRESENTATIONS HERE FOR YOU TO CONSIDER. The presentation above walks you through an example of a debt consolidation combined with the purchase of your new home. The Total Cost Analysis to the right also shows you the math around this strategy and demonstrates how we can structure creative financing to help you achieve a lower rate so your achieve you home purchase goals! BOTH presentations need to be understood. Remember, its about strategy in real estate, not necessarily about rate, as the rate can always be refinanced at some point in the future. If this makes sense to you and you are looking to move up to a new home, for whatever the reason, let us conduct a comprehensive analyze on your situation. It determine if we can make this happen for you while keeping you outflow the same, or less than you already are paying. Don't let fear of current market hold you back. All we're suggesting is a conversation to analyze your situation. P.S. For more presentations on strategies we use to help clients purchase real estate more affordably, please see the bottom of the page. Brent Willis, CMPS Branch Manager NEO Home Loans 615-300-2067

Example of a Seller Paid, 2/1 Temporary Buy Down – Helps Buyers and Sellers!

Its all about strategy and not so much about what we pay from the property or what the rate is at the time we purchase. Those 2 items are important considerations but THE most important is to get the financing structured correctly.As you will see from the financial presentation to the right, this financing strategy is, BY FAR, the best way to buy or sell real estate in this current market. The math doesn't lie! Check it out!

Student Loans: How The Financial Responsibility Act of 23 will Impact Homeownership!

The Financial Responsibility Act of 23 will Impact Homeownership As we all agreed, we're facing a potentially challenging situation come September. Many of our clients have not made student loan payments in three years due to the pause on payments. Combining this with no financial planning, rising inflation, high credit card debt, and the prospect of a payment that hasn't been seen in 36 months, we could be looking at a significant impact on those directly or indirectly involved in the housing market. To Calculate your new Student Loan Payment, click this link - To set a time with me to chat about options, click this calendar link - ______________________________ To the right, there are 3 presentations that walk you through the math around each solution for that scenario. The video presentation will walk you through it! ~ For our sellers, especially those who recently purchased at low-interest rates in the 2 or 3% range and have student loans, this situation might affect their ability to move on to their next home. ~ For our current approved buyers, this could impact their pre-qualification. Imagine adding $300 to $1,000 to their current debt-to-income ratio (DTI). ~ And let's not forget our new first-time buyers. They will also feel the impact on their qualification. We must act swiftly to help them avoid default and late payments when the pause lifts in September. ..................................................... **Introduction: From Chaos to Calm** In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, federal student loan borrowers found temporary relief through the CARES Act's administrative forbearance. However, as the dust settles, the resumption of student loan payments is on the horizon, stirring feelings of financial uncertainty. But fear not, for we are here to help you navigate this transition with confidence, offering ways to reduce your student loan burden and secure your family's future. **Preparing for the Restart: A Roadmap to Relief** As the CARES Act's administrative forbearance nears its end, it's essential to brace yourself for the restart of student loan payments in October 2023. Starting September 1, 2023, student loan interest will be back in play. If you're currently in default on your student loans, immediate payments might not be required, but beware of collection efforts like wage garnishment and tax refund offsets. **Embracing Financial Empowerment: Unlocking Options for You** Amidst these uncertain times, we want to empower you with knowledge about available options that can significantly reduce your student loan payments. Our goal is to tailor a solution that aligns with your current financial situation. There might even be a student loan forgiveness program specifically designed for you, waiting to lighten your financial load. However, we caution against deceptive companies trying to consolidate your federal student loan debt into private loans, stripping away federal protection programs that offer much-needed relief. **The Power of Informed Choices: Shaping Your Financial Destiny** In this ever-changing landscape, understanding your financial circumstances is paramount. You may be facing mounting credit card debt, adjustable rate lines of credit, or low mortgage rates, adding to the complexity. While refinancing might be an option for some, it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. Our approach is rooted in reviewing your unique financial position and presenting you with an array of choices, empowering you to make informed decisions about your family's financial well-being. **Unlocking Financial Peace: Avoiding Emergencies Through Preparedness** As the resumption of student loan payments draws near, we implore you to take control of your financial future. Let us assist you in understanding your options comprehensively, ensuring that you avoid financial emergencies and build a stable future for your family. By reaching out to us, you can unlock the path to financial peace and embrace the future with confidence. **Conclusion: Your Key to Financial Serenity** With the end of administrative forbearance approaching, we encourage you to seize control of your financial journey. From reducing student loan payments to exploring forgiveness programs, we are committed to helping you achieve financial serenity. Together, we can unlock the door to a brighter future, free from the shackles of financial burdens. Reach out to us today, and let's embark on this empowering journey together. * Remember, your financial peace is our priority and the first step is to restructure your student loans here. By restructuring your student loan to a lower payment, you'll likely be able to afford more home. To Calculate your new Student Loan Payment, click this link - To set a time with me to chat about options, click this calendar link - Brent Willis, CMPS NEO Home Loans 615-300-2067

Realtors – Resources and Conversion Strategies we bring to help you grow business and retain clients for life!

Why work with us? Good question. With our experience, technology and know-how, my Team and I can help you in 3 critical areas of your business: 1. We can help Drive More New Buyers 2. We can help you Secure Additional Listings and 3. Create Deeper Database Engagement that adds broad client value and creates deep, long-term client loyaltyPlease don't confuse us with the average mortgage lender. For us, the mortgage is just the vehicle; our value lies in the financial strategies, technologies and expertise on how to use them to educate, mass market and covert a lead into a client.The market is full of mortgage debt sellers who may be good at selling mortgage debt to a customer and getting that debt to the closing table on time. If that's what you desire, a transactional relationship, my team and I are NOT the the ones for you... However, if you desire a true partner who creates value, like you've never seen previously in our Industry, to help you grow business and maintain an engaged database of clients AND you want far more value delivered to your clients than they have ever seen before, then we might be the team for you.OUR GOAL IS SIMPLE: To be the #1 providers of value to our partners and clients, helping them either save, or make, money in real estate and personal finance, so they avoid life events and are best positioned to grow wealth and retire well. On the mortgage side, we have most all the loan types a client or partner would need for any situation, a proactive, weekly, communication strategy, highly competitive rates and fees and, for the most part, clients rate us a 5 STAR TEAM. This is NOT the primary reason people work with us... Among other things, our clients and partners tell us its our commitment to their long-term success, willingness to do what's right, even when its hard, and our driving commitment to add value to each and every person we meet.In order to execute on this long term partner and client commitment, there are a number of services, tools and strategies we can deploy to handle almost any situation and need.Here are a few of our Partner resources...1. We have presentations that help educate on all things real estate. These presentations are client facing and help you address several client questions/ issues at one time through the ease of sharing a link. These customizable presentations address, among other things, these topics: How to Buy more efficiently, How to Sell property for maximum profit using strategic finance, How to Increase cash flow by using strategic financing structures, Things you need to know when buying your First or 2nd Home and/or Investment properties. Examples of these are here...You need compelling content that educates? Here are a few Client Facing Presentations -- Realtor Presentations to address specific markets and situations -- Owen Canavan - Fridrich and Clark Realty ( What First Time Home Buyers need to Understand) -- Hutchings -- Compass 30A Realty ( How to Purchase a 2nd Home More Affordably) -- Rust -- Tanika O'Brien Team, Compass 30A Realty ( How to Buy Investment Property and Increase Cash Flow) -- anyone helping your offers stand out to the Listing Agent? We can. Check out our PERFECT OFFER PROCESS ( coincides with the video to the right). This is what we do to support your efforts when you submit a buyer's offer. This is THE PRIMARY REASON our offer acceptance rates are far higher than the Industry average. We create Listing Landing Pages to help you mass market and sell properties quicker and for higher prices. In addition to NMLS and Social posts, our partners now have another, full color, professionally crafted, landing page with which to increase buyer awareness and activity. These include all relevant content regarding the property, financing structures demonstrating HOW TO buy affordably, Map showing proximity of nearby amenities and several other pieces of content to help educate, inform and create Offers! The also come with professionally crafted flyers with QR Code for ease of use! -- Scan code, drop on the landing page and get all the great education an content on How To buy that property!Here are some examples --Noble Place Townhome Project -- ( Work with Builders, or want to? We can perform like no other to set their community apart from the competition) Garrett Listing -- Hutching Listing -- all listings here -- Is anyone helping you with compelling content that helps you with branding an influence in your local market? We can. As the Host of the national TV Show called Financing the American Dream, Brent can feature you and your listing nationally. He does segments on lifestyle, community and culture in local markets, focusing on why people love to live, work and play in the area. Its part of American Dream TV and seen on national outlets like CNBC, Travel Channel and streamed on Roku, Apple TV, among others. The goal is to provide insights into the Lifestyle, Community and Culture of the local area featured. The show is designed to help our Real Estate Partners with Branding, Influence and Sales. Its one of a kind exposure and shows the viewer why we love to live, work and play in the areas in which the real estate is located!Here are some of the latest episodes -- the latest in Market Data, Articles and Real Estate Calculators, please feel free to visit this website -- WE DO WHAT WE DO.... We love people and we try and do it well. We are not perfect, by any means, but we try hard to do what's right, for we are called by the Lord to do so. We are a client focused, mission oriented, company of professionals. We believe the mortgage lending Industry MUST change and be more long term, client centric so the client has the best chance of financial success in this lifetime. If we do this piece well, all parties will flourish.Providing value, through client education, tools and services, is the backbone of our mission. We believe the client deserves more than just showing them what they can buy, providing it to them and leaving them with no future, advice and guidance. This is the prevailing attitude in the Industry and its why we believe it MUST change... and we're doing it!Clients not only need to understand their qualifications to buy ( what they CAN do) but they need to understand, based upon a deeper dive into finances and goals and retirement, what they SHOULD do. The client, through education with graphs, charts and current market data, should also be instructed on what the market is doing, how its behaving and HOW, with the help of professionals, they can navigate it to successfully purchase or sell a piece of property.TO EXECUTE ON OUR STATED GOALS, WE CREATED A PLATFORM OF SERVICES AND A ONE OF A KIND MOBILE APP CALLED THE NEO EXPERIENCE.The NEO Experience is the most powerful client attractant, client engagement and client retention platform on the market today! We call it the NEO Experience b/c our client experience is vastly different from other banks and mortgage companies in the country. The typical mortgage experience: Get Pre-qualified, hope to get into a contract, close the loan and leave client to figure out how to manage their debt and answer their questions for themselves.The NEO Experience: Comprehensive approach to educating clients Before, During and, most importantly, long After the closing. This platform includes 7 uniquely valuable services and a one-of-a-kind mobile app that supports client efforts to understand all things real estate and personal finance. It's the platform we developed which allows us to execute on OUR GOAL, our client commitment, mention above. For more info, see the slide deck on the page to the right OR you can go here as well... BENEFITS:Track Home Value Monthly, Track Home Mortgage Monthly, Track Personal Credit Scores, Proactively manage their mortgage in a real-time pricing engine so there is NO market timing and they are always in the best loan at the lowest rate possible and to Provide vast education in all areas of real estate and personal finance. They will have a personal Client Success Manager ( a real person) whose job it is to connect with clients quarterly, asking great questions and helping them devise plans to help them hit their goals in life. ITS NEVER TO SELL ANYTHING! When was the last time someone called you, simply to educate and to help you hit your life goals, and wasn't trying to sell anything? Yeah, me either... but that's our mission!You can trust us to do what's right for the client each and every time!PARTNER BENEFITS:Provides one of a kind value, at no cost, to clients or partner, an amazingly 'sticky' platform, provides Artificial Intelligences (AI) that presents partner predictive analytics regarding their database, creates insights into client engagement and intelligent data points to help Realtor partner engage with clients at the exact moment clients need help and assistance. If no one is currently assisting you in this manner, we'd love to come along side and demonstrate a true partnership with you!~ If you want to sign up for the services yourself to see what they can do, just complete the short form on this site and they'll start coming to you! Our Gift!~ If you want more information on the mobile app, just say the word and we'll be happy to send you credentials!Its one thing to say these things, its an entirely different thing to have platforms, tools and services built to execute on it! We want to execute this strategy with you, for you, so its helps build a business for long-term success!_______________________Believe it or not, these are just a few of the things we can bring to the table! If you are interested in a discovery meeting with us, I would invite you to click my calendar link grab a time that works well for your schedule. We'll need at least an hour to properly understand your business, any challenges you are facing and then to present solutions to you.Your partner,Brent Willis, CMPSBranch Manager of NEO Home Loansbrent.willis@neohomeloans.com615-300-2067

How to Buy Investment Real Estate Strategically to increase Cashflow!

Hello - Are you an investor in need of a better mortgage professional who can offer more than just the mortgage debt at a reasonable rate? How about a mortgage team of professionals who can demonstrate for you, through the use of several financial and technology tools, if the property you're interested in buying will actually meet your Internal Rate of Return goal? How about a team that can help explain various financing strategies that demonstrate how you can purchase real estate and grow wealth more efficiently and affordably? If you want to engage in the investment property arena, we can definitely help provide insight, guidance and planning that will provide a lamp to your path. OUR GOAL: To be the #1 provider of VALUE to our clients, helping them save, or make, money in every area of real estate and finance. We help grow wealth. _____________ For the best education on creative financing and strategies, check out this Rate Buy Down Guide -- _____________ How do Buyers and Sellers win with the Seller Buy Down Strategy? Check out this presentation - _____________ To better understand the current market and why TODAY is the time to buy before Rates go down, check this out -- ______________ These presentations and resources are for educational purposes only and some of the strategies explained here may, or may not, be exactly right for your specific situation. We'll want to schedule a call and/or a face to face meeting to discuss your goals, your credit profile, preferred down payment and cash flow requirements before recommending a path forward. If you're not getting this type of advice, guidance and planning from your existing bank or mortgage lender, and they're leaving it all up to you to figure out, we'd like to show you a better way!

NOW is the time to Buy! – Watch Video as the DATA tells the story…

HELLO - If you're a buyer who has been waiting for Interest Rates and Sales Prices to come back down before jumping back in the real estate market to buy a home, that may be a big mistake. Here's why...and its as simple as understanding supply and demand... ___________ Buyers - Housing Inventory Inventory is very Low and may remain that way for some time as builders can't just produce a home immediately. It takes, at least, a year for the process to complete itself so there is a home to purchase. We've been short on supply for the last 10 years. This means that with higher rates, Sellers are in more of a mood to negotiate. When rates start going down, and they will as Inflation starts to come down ( which should be in the next month or so) competition for an already few number of homes will exponentially increase! How do I know? .. I can just look at the last 2 years to show you what happens with low rates in a low inventory environment. It becomes a seller DOMINATED marketplace. Right now in the real estate market-- Housing Supply is LOW. Higher Rates mean Buyer activity is LOW With the Use of Creative Financing in the Seller Buy Down, Interest Rate and Payment will be MUCH lower. A Refinance Opportunity will appear as Rates come Down BUT when rates come DOWN Buyer Competition goes UP, Sharply, as indicated. The Strategy TODAY - Buy Using Seller Buy Down ( seller contributed money for a lower rate) and Refinance down the road as MANY others are trying to identify a suitable home to buy when lower rates appear BUT by that time, there will be FAR more competition for an already limited number of homes... As I said, simple supply and demand... Don't far victim to fear as we have all the data you would ever need to make a solid financial decision. ____________ Creative Financing is the Solution: The Rate Buy Down Guide explains all rate buy down options to consider -- ____________ Top 5 Reasons to Purchase NOW helps explain the strategy -- ____________ First Time and Move Up Buyers check out this important presentation. -- ____________ Real Estate Report Card Data - I've included county specific real estate data to the right on this page. I used two popular counties but can pull data for ANY county in the country! Happy to go over it, as needed. ____________ I hope this helps you understand NOW is the time to buy and HOW you can buy more affordably. Do NOT wait as the market will turn and, when it does, buyers will be overpaying and the opportunity to buy affordably will be lost! You can reach me through any of the buttons on this page. I'd love to help you develop a personalized game plan to help you grow wealth through real estate!

Conventional Loan Costs are Going Up but FHA Loan Cost are Coming Down!

Hello, Are you buying a home soon or are you a Listing Agent that might be wary of accepting an FHA loan? Then you'll need to look over the content below because FHA is poised to take market share. As a buyer, you need to rerun your numbers if you're looking for a home and considering using a Conventional loan because of all of the loan level price adjustments ( LLPAs ) that have been enacted on a Conventional loan. These are added costs & fees that FHFA (Federal Housing Finance Agency) has added and subtracted to potential homebuyers. While Conventional loan costs are rising, FHA has just reduced some of their fees and costs ( specifically their Up Front Mortgage Insurance Premium UFMIP ) and its making an FHA loan MUCH MORE ATTRACTIVE for many buyers. I've run some comparisons in the videos below to help you compare Conventional To FHA Loans with similar qualifications. ...................................... Listing Agents ⚡️ If you are a Listing Agent, I've laid out ways to navigate FHA offers that could be less troublesome for you and your seller, especially regarding appraisal reports. ...................................... Buyers Agent ⚡️ If you're a Buyer's Agent, I have some great information you can share to help your buyers create more affordable housing and regain some lost buying power using an FHA loan. ..................................... If you missed my Blog Post on this important change, see the link -- Its a quick and easy read and one in which you can easily share.

Buyer Agent Rate Buydown Guide

Hello Buyer Agent, I wanted to get some educational content together to help Buyers Agents with their clients, in particular, with affordability and strategies to help them get into the housing market. In our client calls or face to face meetings, we will show buyers not only what they CAN DO but what they SHOULD DO and then...we'll show them HOW TO DO IT MOST AFFORDABLY! We believe data should lead the way when making decisions. These presentations and data analysis can help educate the client or prospect so you don't have to do it. If you'd like to customize any of these presentations so your clients can see you addressing these issues and solving the current problems of the day, we can do so. OR, just feel free to send the presentation directly from my site and send it, letting them know " My financing team put together some relevant content that will address the current market issues and create some affordability for you" and send it to them. Its all about strategy to get a client into a home to start building equity...not about rate as the rate can always be refinanced. They just need to be shown HOW. That's where we come in as your partner! .................................... First-Time Home Buyer *This video is about primary education for first-time home buyers. ..................................... Rate Buydown Guide * This video is very detailed with content and videos to help buyers understand rate buydowns. .................................... Submitting Digital Offers for Much Higher Acceptance Rates *This video has been edited to remove personal info and shows how we submit offers for our buyers in a tight inventory market. .................................... Top 5 Reasons To Buy Now * This video highlights the reasons a buyer should not wait to purchase a home today (buyers' market vs. seller's market & buy down strategies )


Hello,Are you a buyer that is on the sidelines, waiting to purchase a new home OR have been delayed from entering the real estate market? If so, I'm sure your reasons could be valid, but, in order to best educate to ensure you are in the right position, I want to ensure you have all the information on whether this is a wise course of action. The main issue, I assume, would be " affordability " from the significant rise in rates which has lowered your buying power or may have even knocked you out of qualification. You might think this is a negative, but I wanted to highlight this exact issue and show you that it is an excellent thing for you as a potential home buyer.In the video presentation above, I've laid out the domino effect of the increase in the rates on the real estate market, which now allows you opportunities that have not been present in the last few years for home buyers. Both the lack of affordability and inventory is an exciting and challenging dynamic in this market, making it completely different from past markets. What I mean by that is that usually, these two forces don't line up together in this magnitude.For example, when affordability issues last crept into the market, the housing supply spikes with the pullback of buyers, which we experienced recently in 2018/19. The main issue that has caused a much-needed pause in our housing market has been the spike in rates, which also caused our affordability issues. So, we should focus on the opportunities that this presents you as a home buyer now vs. just six months. Here's a synopsis..............................................Six to Twelve Months Ago: Buyers competed against multiple offers per property, sometimes 10+ offer per property. Buyers had to release all loan, inspection, and appraisal contingencies. ( More risk) Buyers had to convert their loans into " cash offers " to compete. Buyers had to overbid on their offers to compete. Buyers had to settle on whatever home came on the market. Buyers are being delayed in converting their " cash overs " into loans in this high-rate environment.Today: Fewer Buyers, which means less competition. Buyers can write offers with, and maintain, their contingencies. Buyers with minimum down payments can purchase again. Buyers have more choices of homes than buying whatever comes to market. With help from lenders like me, we can structure much better terms, like buying down the rate which makes buying NOW the right choice IF you have the right strategy....All this being said, some markets and some neighborhoods are still very competitive and sellers are still not willing to negotiate. In an already low inventory environment, this will only get worse in the Spring/Summer when more buyers come into the market as interest rates continue to fall. We can solve this issue by using a better strategy to buy property today... but the window will not stay open for long and we'll be right back in a seller dominated market. As always, the one with the best strategy wins... I'd love to help you!Brent Willis, CMPSNEO Home Loans

First Time Home Buyer — What you NEED to understand when Buying a Home

Hello, If you're reading this, I assume you're planning on making a first purchase OR you may be considering how to move up to your next home. If so, what would be a roadblock keeping you from obtaining that goal? ....................... First Time Home Buyer? Given that we may not have had the opportunity to meet yet, I thought I'd lay out a few options to give you some background of ideas and strategies our clients have used successfully in this complex market. Because this might be top on your list of questions, let me address it first... Yes, there are NO MONEY DOWNPAYMENT options for you and we can discuss them and what will be best for your situation. However, with this presentation, I want to cover many other aspects of buying a home that you need to know and understand. 1. Understanding The Numbers * Here is an introductory presentation to show you what I use to illustrate those details when we meet. We will revise this to reflect your particular situation, of course. * Video - 2. Helping Create Affordable Housing * Here is a presentation detailing how we can create affordable housing payments for your new purchase. * Video - Rate Buy Down Guide - 3. Not Sure If You Should Wait To Purchase? * Here is a presentation that lists five reasons why I think it's an excellent time to purchase now vs. waiting. * Video - Top 5 Reasons To Purchase Today - 4. For Mortgage Calculators and Other Resources, please go to my website - *For First Time Home Buyer ( and other Articles) that answers many of your other questions - * Use the Search Feature to search for relevant topics 5. For the latest Episode of my Emmy nominated TV Show, Financing the America Dream -- * Aired on The Travel Channel on Feb. 14, 2023

Bay Co ( Panama City Beach ) Real Estate Report Card

Real Estate Data that you should know if you are looking to purchase property in this area.

Proven Strategies to WIN in Real Estate

Things you need to know TODAY: If you are looking to Buy real estate --- 1. NOW might be the best time. Buyer activity is still down. Less competition means sellers are willing to negotiate 2. Rates and sales prices are dropping...however, if you wait too long you'll face FAR more competition 3. Pent up demand and seasonal buying will start soon as rates continue to drop... which means buyers will be faced with a seller's market; less negotiation and over bidding again 4. Use creative financing, Seller Buy Downs, to overcome higher rates and sales prices so you can buy more affordably today! Buyers -- When many are sitting on the sidelines, waiting for rates and sales prices to fall, you can utilize this strategy to buy affordably and skip the chaos of the spring buying cycle. Buy now and refinance later while all others are trying to buy, in a already limited home inventory market, which only drives prices up. With a lower rate but having to over bid by $50 - 100,000 to get the home, have you really won? NO! So, its not really about a lower rate, its about the best strategy, right? YES, it is! Don't make this fatal mistake... If you're still a little worried about the housing market and home values, maybe these two points will help. ( Ask to see the graphs that prove this statement) IN DIFFICULT ECONOMIC TIMES OR RECESSIONS, LONG-TERM INTEREST RATES GO DOWN AND HOME VALUES STAY EVEN OR APPRECIATE. WHEN and HOW you purchase matters and we can help with better strategies, tools and services to ensure you are making a wise decision! For more information on this financing strategies, How to Re-Enter the Market after sitting on the sidelines for a while and why the widow of opportunity is here but won't be here for long, click this link -- ____________________ If you are looking to Sell real estate --- 1. Buyer activity is still down due to higher rates and sales prices so listing now has its challenges 2. To counter this, and attract buyers, use creative financing like the Seller Buy Down as Buyers are needing a more affordable payment 3. You can negotiate with this financing strategy to keep your sales price and Net Profit high 4. Even when rates drop in Q2 or Q3 to low-to-mid 5%, as forecasted, and its more of a seller's market, this strategy still works as Buyers will need more help with affordability 5. Here is an example of a Listing Landing Page we craft for our Clients for maximum exposure. Sellers -- If you don't need to list your home now, wait a few weeks to hit the seasonal buying cycle and you'll also benefit from the pent up demand caused by the higher rate and sales prices we've seen over the last 2 years. As explained above, in a low inventory environment, buyers who wait will over pay for the home as they didn't heed our advice or they didn't have anyone advising them. If you need to list now, let me show you how we can create a listing landing page, with a financial presentation and other resources, to attract buyers. I can then share with you strategies on how we can negotiate with the buyer, using the buy down to keep the sales price high and more of your net proceeds in your pocket. By deploying this strategy, we'll educate and show the buyer how best to buy your home and the math will tell the story. Its a WIN-WIN-WIN all the way around for all parties involved! For Mortgage Calculators and other data driven Blog Articles and resources, please click the link. * My latest Episode of Financing the American Dream is also posted for you! --

Your Guide To Selecting The Correct Buydown Program

Hello,If you're a buyer trying to purchase in today's market, you might have heard of a "rate buydown." But, you might be like most consumers with how they work, which one to select and why it would benefit you and your family. What Is a Buydown?A buydown is a mortgage financing technique with which the buyer attempts to obtain a lower interest rate for at least the first few years of the mortgage or possibly its entire life. This can be accomplished by negotiating funds from the seller OR you can add to the purchase price by a certain amount and then the seller credits that amount back to you for the rate buy down. There are specific reasons you'd consider either of these options. I'm happy to discuss further the reasons, and strategy, for each of these with you. 3-2-1 Buydown?In a 3-2-1 buydown, the buyer pays lower payments on the loan for the first three years. For each of the first three years of the mortgage, the buyer's interest rate would increase incrementally by 1% annually. The total interest rate would apply beginning with the fourth year of the mortgage loan. While the buyer received savings from the lower interest rate in the first three years, the difference in the payments would have been made by the seller to the lender as a subsidy. 2-1 Buydown?A 2-1 buydown is structured the same as a 3-2-1 buydown; however, its discount is only available for the first two years. So you would have a 2% interest rate reduction for the first year of the mortgage, then a 1% discount for the second year. Your interest rate and monthly payments would increase until your loan reaches its actual percentage rate. This happens in year three of the loan. At this point, your monthly mortgage payment would reflect the real loan rate. You would pay upfront for the 2-1 buydown at closing; theoretically, the money you save over the first two years would cancel that payment.Temp Buydown Pros and ConsWhether it makes sense to use a buydown to purchase a home can depend on several things, including the amount of the mortgage, your initial interest rate, the amount you could save in interest over the initial loan term, and your estimated future income. How long you plan to stay in the home also can come into play in determining your break-even point.Pros* A buydown temporarily reduces your interest rate, saving money and lowering your monthly payments during the initial loan term.* Choosing a buydown may allow you to pay less for the home than the seller's listing price.* It could make sense for homebuyers whose income will increase in the years to come.Cons* Once the buydown rate ends, your monthly payment could be higher than expected.* You could struggle with monthly mortgage payments if your income doesn't increase.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................For more information on us, click here to see what others have to say about us. Willis, CMPSBranch Leader, NEO Home

How to Buy Investment Property Using the Permanent Buy Down Strategy

Are you an investor in need of a better mortgage professional who can offer more than just the mortgage debt at a reasonable rate?How about a mortgage team of professionals who can demonstrate for you, through the use of several financial and technology tools, if the property you're interested in buying will actually meet your Internal Rate of Return goal?How about a team that can help explain various financing strategies that demonstrate how you can purchase real estate and grow wealth more efficiently and affordably?If you want to engage in the investment property arena, we can definitely help provide insight, guidance and planning that will provide a lamp to your path.OUR GOAL: To be the #1 provider of VALUE to our clients, helping them save, or make, money in every area of real estate and finance. We help grow wealth.Brent Willis, CMPSNeo Home Loanshttp://www.GoDreamLender

Buy Vs Rent Analysis for Okaloosa Co, Florida

Is it better to buy or rent, even in higher interest rate environments? See the analysis prepared here. You might be surprised!

Okaloosa County ( Destin) Florida Real estate Report Card

This document provides you a quick snap shot of the area. The Panhandle of Florida continues to thrive!

Fall 2022 Buying Guide with Market Condition and Market Direction

Want the FACTS on the market, WHY its acting the way it is and HOW to buy real estate more affordably and gain back some of the purchasing power you might have lost, due to high rates and high sales prices? Click above for current market graphs, charts and data that will help you make a quality decision in today's market! NOW is the time to buy but you have to have the correct financing strategy so you can do so more effectively, more efficiently and, most importantly, more affordably!

Franklin, Williamson County, TN Real Estate Report Card

Williamson Co offers some fantastic benefits for homeowners. Check out the latest area details!

Rate Drop vs. Price Drop- A Clear Winner

DROP RATE AND NOT PRICE... AND HERE'S WHY....What's better, and offers the most impact for the Buyer and Seller, a rate drop or a price drop? You may be surprised!Watch this short video presentation where I compare the two, head to head, and show you, definitively, which is best for both parties to consider. This strategy works no matter if you are buying or selling real estate!

Nashville, Davidson Co, TN Real Estate Report Card

Nashville, Davidson Co is the state capitol of TN and offers a fantastic quality of life for any looking for a great place to call home! See all the area details you need to know when considering settling down here.


"Turning a mortgage loan with multiple moving parts in only 22 days was amazing. They were able to do things that the other Lender I know of could do to make this loan work."

michael mayburn n

"Brent and his team were very responsive whenever I had questions or concerns about the process, and really helped me to understand each step in the process."

erik l

"I recently had the pleasure of working with Brent from Neo Home Loans, and I cannot recommend him highly enough. From start to finish, Brent was highly communicative and extremely patient, walking me through all the details of the mortgage process and ensuring I felt confident. I knew he was the perfect fit after our first call because he truly cared to educate and help us make the best decision. Brent went above and beyond, even when we had to make a quick close offer over the weekend, which ultimately led to our offer getting accepted. Brent's professionalism, expertise, and unwavering support made our home-buying experience smooth and successful. His clear communication, dedication to helping us close on time, and support staff (Darlene) made a complex process really seamless. If you're looking for a mortgage lender who truly cares to see you succeed and educate you along the way, then I highly recommend Brent from Neo Home Loans. Thank you so much, Brent! We can’t wait to work with you again soon!"

ryan d